Preparation, Day 2: Oiiy.

Okay, so I've still yet to even start the program. Yesterday's entirety was devoted to teaching myself to layer-mask in Adobe Photoshop (quite cool, actually) establish a family Flickr account, and finally upload Christmas holiday and Thanksgiving Holiday images from 2009. That being said, even configuring Flickr2Facebook (a free application that negates the re-upload from the home computer to Facebook) took more time than I would have liked. I've got to follow-up with a few thank-you notes and then.... create my nutritional shopping list (from the P90X diet guide).

Creation of the diet/shopping guide and my apprehension to actually starting the program is typical for me; I am really fastidious about doing things accurately. If I simply start working out-- improved health will be attained, but I know with different things coming up (a trans-Sierra crossing in the winter, marathon training) that if this is not figured out before I start P90X, I will never finish it.


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