Day 4: Yoga X in the bag.

It's been nearly two weeks since I last posted, and this is soon to change. I needed to get something up right away, lest any readings doubt my ability to post. Yoga X was hardly easy, but a welcome addition. For some time now I've attended Free Yoga, a class given by instructors who donate their time in Long Beach, CA. Among the poses, they do "crane" which I still cannot do. However, how are you ever going to do something if you don't practice it! Thankfully Mr. Horton and his ragtag crew are going to do it, and you can work at it too.

After four days, a few observations have surfaced: if you bonk, and aren't sweating with steady breathing during a workout routine, you aren't getting the most out of your workout. However unless you work at it you won't be able to complete the routine! Clearly then, looking at comparisons of folks who have come before, I believe I'm more of a P150X guy, as the results and core strength I'm looking for won't really start to come until after the 90th day. I'm planning to build-in some cardio and outside activities but for now I just have to keep showing up.

The "Keep Pushing Play" and "Do your best and forget the rest" mantras are stellar, but I would add one more: "Challenge yourself to improve your performance". This program is hard, and I'll keep bonking until... I don't. Until that day however, I want to make sure I'm getting better and better. Yes, keep pushing play... but work at getting stronger toward completion. I'm stoked.

A great blessing today: I now feel mostly caught up with my cooking, and can begin to have some other life elements in balance. This has been a challenge, and I'll estimate that combined with regular daily cooking efforts, I've spent 20 hours in the kitchen since Saturday, and that is probably an under-estimate. I've got some great pointers to come, so keep reading!


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